Performance Enhancement Treatments

ViaSure™ – Cynosure

ED (Erectile Dysfunction) Treatment

Do you know that male performance anxiety is common? A quick online search for performance enhancement in Toronto will turn up numerous ED (erectile dysfunction) drug and device suggestions. But many guys feel out of their element researching, discussing, or choosing treatments to boost intimate performance.

It’s not always easy to talk about, but your sexual health and confidence are vital. We think you’ll be relieved to know how safe and effective non-surgical solutions have become.

If you feel less energetic or more self-conscious about your performance in the bedroom lately, you might not even know where to begin your search for solutions.

Confusion about performance enhancement sometimes relates to difficulty narrowing down just one sign or symptom related to male libido, virility, and performance.

Psychology plays a significant role in sexual confidence and enjoyment. Stress, nutritional health, and medical factors also contribute to a constellation of changes that affect men of all backgrounds and ages.

Sovereign Male is your destination for vibrant health and a rejuvenated sex life.

Could You Benefit from Performance Enhancement?

Let’s bust a couple of myths about male sexual health and performance enhancement right out of the gate.

  1. Difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection is NOT just an older man’s problem.
  2. Also, enhancing your sexual confidence, physical stamina, and performance does not always require medication.

In fact, there are scientifically backed physical solutions that you can access discreetly without the worrisome health risks related to pharmaceutical treatment.

Not all of our male enhancement patients experience erectile dysfunction. Many of them simply feel that their “game” and body confidence could use a boost. They may find it challenging to build muscle mass and keep their energy up as well. If you’re not sure where your body goals fit in, our knowledgeable and empathetic doctors can help.

Despite popular stereotypes, men are complex creatures. You have a harmonious interplay of mindset, hormonal balance, physical anatomy, and situational factors directing how boldly you pursue everything from career goals to romantic relationships.

Sovereign Male specializes in understanding and treating the whole man. A performance enhancement consultation designed for you will assess where you are now and where you want to be. Then our male enhancement team will introduce you to the safe and natural tools that can get you back on track.

This is your year. How will it feel to have an enhanced edge in one of the most important areas of your life?

Performance Enhancement – Where Does it Start for You?

No matter what we read on social media or what our friends say, plenty of men have concerns about the appearance of their penis, how quickly or slowly they become aroused, how strong their erections are, and how long the erections last.

If you’re troubled by even one of these factors, you might find that the performance anxiety that you experience long before an intimate encounter gets in your head and makes things worse.

Erectile dysfunction affects up to ½ of men over the age of 50, and sometimes unwanted changes show up out of the blue. Not knowing the cause can frustrate both a man and his partner. Additionally, feeling self-conscious or worried about performance can make it difficult to get or maintain an erection.

Wanting to please your partner, perform at your best, and enjoy your experiences is understandable, but stress and performance anxiety can make a spontaneous and fulfilling sex life feel impossible.

You don’t have to stay stuck in the frustration loop.

You can take back control at Sovereign Male. We custom-tailor solutions to match the man and zero in on what you need to perform at peak level.

Your performance enhancement plan may include ViaSure, the non-invasive, drug-free ED treatment that is changing lives at Sovereign Male. ViaSure can increase blood flow and strength in the penis, facilitating more robust and lasting erections.

You might consider penis enlargement with safe, non-surgical injections to enhance the girth and length for confident, intimate encounters.

We also offer testosterone replacement therapy in carefully calibrated, hormone-restoring protocols for men who have noticed a drop in energy, strength, and libido due to low T.

Many Sovereign males opt for a holistic male wellness plan incorporating more than one approach to revive their manhood in multiple ways.

Our male enhancement solutions are day procedures. That means that you can get started on a stronger, sexier, more spontaneous version of yourself without taking much time away from your busy schedule. We offer convenient and discreet booking with male medical professionals, and our top enhancement services come with minimal to no downtime.

Male Performance Anxiety

What Causes Male Performance Anxiety and ED?

When a man finds that he can no longer “switch on” as quickly as he once did, or if his mind and heart are willing, but his body seems uncooperative, his first question will likely be, What is wrong with me?

To be perfectly fair, intimacy and arousal are complex cascades of chemical responses on a backdrop of mental and emotional desires. Occasionally, it’s normal for wires to be crossed or for the body to be uncooperative. However, if you find that your desire has diminished or if your body frequently won’t cooperate with you, there could be mental and physical reasons.

  • Emotional and stress-related ED and performance anxiety:

Men have self-esteem and body image issues too. Whether you are thinking about your weight or your penis size, preoccupation with your physical hang-ups is a sure-fire way to kill the mood. Feeling stress about premature ejaculation, failure to reach orgasm, or any other performance issue can have real physical effects.

Some men don’t realize that emotional stressors like work-related anxiety, relationship problems, and other worries may cause their bodies to release stress hormones like adrenaline, which derail sexual satisfaction.

We believe that stress management and a healthy lifestyle are often crucial as a first step toward happy, vibrant love lives.

  • Physical factors for performance issues

CynoSure, the maker of ViaSure, states that up to 40% of men notice symptoms of ED by age 40. Because of age-related physiological changes, that percentage increases dramatically with every decade.

Men are staying competitive in their careers and the dating world much longer than before, so losing such a vital function can be disheartening and can affect all aspects of a successful life.

At Sovereign Male, we address the root causes of circulatory and connective tissue dysfunction to target ED in a healthy way. Treating the underlying physical causes of ED can prevent time and money wasted on “cures” or gimmicks that don’t work.

What’s the Science Behind ViaSure Performance Enhancement?

ViaSure treats mild to moderate ED. Its SoftWave technology uses proven science to achieve measurable, drug-free results. ViaSure helps restore abundant penile blood flow, tissue health, and improved sensation.

Restricted blood flow to the penis or a build-up of scar tissue can result in softer, short-lived erections. When limited circulation is the cause, penile tissue won’t adequately fill and remain firm.

Scientists have discovered that there is a relationship between connective tissue build-up in penile chambers and maintaining adequate blood in the penis during sexual arousal.

That’s because ideal tissue expansion related to inflowing blood helps compress the draining veins. This is how erections remain strong until ejaculation and the subsequent relaxation of tissue.

If you have blockages in your arteries, they might impair this process. Trauma-related scar tissue or inflammation also hinder the natural chain of events.

Using the leading-edge ViaSure device, doctors at Sovereign Male in Toronto treat the underlying causes of vascular-related ED. They even help men who don’t have symptoms of ED achieve more powerful performance and confidence.

What Are ViaSure Treatments Like?

ViaSure is the only device for non-invasive ED treatment with SoftWave technology. The gentle applicator is uniquely designed for consistent, comfortable energy delivery.

You’ll receive your quick, painless treatment in one of our private suites. While you recline, the invisible energy is delivered through an applicator applied to the skin, where it activates your body’s healing process to revitalize tissue.

Acoustic shockwave energy stimulates stem cells to repair and fortify penile tissue. ViaSure’s reflector design activates angiogenesis (blood vessel formation to improve circulation to the penis). With increased blood flow, the health and strength of smooth muscle and the elasticity of tissue also improve.

You might wonder whether treatment is uncomfortable, especially considering the sensitive area being treated. We’re pleased to say that ViaSure treatments are appropriate for even the delicate skin found in the groin, including all areas of the penis and perineum.

Unlike some shockwave acoustic technology designed for muscle building or physiotherapy, the unique ViaSure energy waves are powerful, yet extremely focused and gentle enough for sensitive body parts.

Widespread SoftWaves deliver low-intensity electrohydraulic acoustic waves. This protocol requires no anaesthetic, and there is no downtime to worry about.

Our Sovereign Male clients tell us that ViaSure has been a game-changer for them, sometimes immediately! We typically recommend 3 to 5 15-minute treatments to achieve the maximum benefits and rejuvenate your performance dramatically.

How Safe Is Enhancement with ViaSure?

Maybe you’ve considered uncomfortable penile enhancement devices or libido medications that come with risks and side effects. When taking erection medication, some men experience headaches, dizziness, blood pressure changes, nausea, facial flushing, congestion, vision changes, back pain, and more uncomfortable effects.

While people do benefit from prescription treatments, not everyone wants to contend with the potential downside.

ViaSure stands apart among performance-enhancement protocols, because ViaSure requires no incisions or medication, and it uses pain-free, cell-changing energy to strengthen erections without recovery time.

ViaSure is cleared by Health Canada and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat:

  • Erectile dysfunction (ED)
  • Chronic prostatitis
  • Peyronie’s disease / induration penis plastica
  • Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome (CPPS)

At Sovereign Male, we treat erectile dysfunction in one of the most natural ways possible. You could be just a visit away from turning your performance frustration and romantic encounters around. For good.

Are You a Good Candidate for Male Enhancement?

If you’d like to know more about ViaSure or the various penis enlargement and performance-boosting treatments that we offer, you’re invited to schedule a confidential consultation with our male wellness experts.

PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy)

Sovereign Male offers penile enhancement (penis enlargement) through a unique process of platelet-rich plasma therapy (PRP) and hyaluronic acid (HA) dermal fillers. Platelet-rich plasma is derived from a small amount of your blood, which is processed to extract the powerful cell-regenerating plasma and growth factors. When injected into the penile muscle, PRP stimulates new blood vessel formation, collagen, and elastin. These strengthening building blocks improve both the appearance and function of penile tissue.

TRT (Testosterone Replacement Therapy)

Toronto men are increasingly aware of the issues that low testosterone causes. From stubborn weight gain and fatigue to unwanted sex drive changes, low testosterone is a major factor in men’s sexual health and overall vitality. Did you know that your testosterone levels are expected to decrease with age? Testosterone is a key hormone contributing to masculine features, muscle mass and strength, bone density, and libido. You can have your levels tested at our clinic. Consider improving your testosterone balance for an abundance of benefits.

During your consultation at Sovereign, feel free to ask questions and explore options. You can always count on our team for honest feedback, detailed pre- and post-treatment care, and guidance to help you reach your goals – wherever they’re set.

Male enhancement can be a confusing and sensitive topic. We’re here to listen with empathy, shed light, and offer hope. Our patients revive their spontaneous, satisfying arousal and performance with straightforward technology that really works.

We know that there are concerns unique to men that aren’t addressed at typical Toronto cosmetic clinics. From experienced urologists to plastic surgeons and hair transplant experts, at Sovereign Male, you’ll find guy-centered, personalized performance enhancement options that fit your needs and lifestyle.

Let’s get you back to your best! Call today for your private appointment.

Book a consultation

Sovereign Male’s modern, stylish facility at 59 Hayden Street offers comfort and discretion. Do you suffer from erectile dysfunction? Book your consultation, and we’ll be happy to help you.

Text us

Sovereign Male

(647) 340-0061

59 Hayden Street, Suite 705 Toronto, ON M4Y 0E7