Male Enhancement Pills Don’t Work, But Here’s What Does

by | Aug 20, 2024 | Treatments

The Wild West of male enhancement pills online might be alluring, but for most men, their marketing promises are mysterious.

A 2017 published study suggests that erectile dysfunction (ED) isn’t just an older man’s problem. Up to 30% of men seeking treatment for ED are under 40.

Concern about penis size is also common and fuels a booming male supplement industry marketed to guys.

Boosting libido, virility, size, and masculine power all at once might seem too good to be true.

If you’re suspicious or you’re already fed up with poor results, we have good news.

There are safe, pill-free treatments that dramatically increase penis size (yes, really!), and there are numerous ways to treat erectile dysfunction by zeroing in on root causes.

You can get your edge back without pills.

Do Male Enhancement Pills Increase Penis Size?

A penis growth pill would be groundbreaking, but unfortunately, supplements and medications for “male enhancement,” regulated or otherwise, don’t increase penis size at all.

You might notice small advertising print stating formulas “may” improve length, girth, or overall penis size. That wording loophole is a great way to get the buyer’s hopes up without promising results or verifying any claims.

Are Male Enhancement Pills Risky?

Male enhancement pills typically blend ingredients like ashwagandha, ginseng, maca, horny goat weed, yohimbe, saw palmetto, and fenugreek.

To be fair, some of these can be taken safely under a doctor’s guidance and have generated at least anecdotal evidence that they help improve symptoms.

But are they regulated for quality and safety? Usually not.

Is there clinical evidence of effectiveness and safety? No.

Do they treat root-cause issues in your body that lead to ED? No.

Do they increase penis size? Definitely not.

Male Enhancement Pills Contain a Surprising Range of Ingredients

The U.S.A. Food and Drug Administration warns, at least 50 unapproved male enhancement pills or fat loss products sold online contain hidden ingredients. 80% of those also hide undisclosed pharmaceuticals.

You can see the U.S. updated product warning list here.

“Natural” or “herbal” remedies sound appealing, but the lack of transparency about ingredients, interactions, or dosage can make them unsafe.

Is Nitric Oxide Best for ED?

It’s no wonder there are tonnes of male enhancement pills with some form of “nitro” in their name. As this vasodilator (a drug that causes blood vessels to dilate) allows a rush of blood into the penis, it plays a vital role in erections and their staying power.

Nitric oxide (NO) is made in your body from L-arginine (an essential amino acid), which is why most NO supplements contain L-arginine and L-citrulline.

If you are deficient in nitric oxide, taking NO supplements may improve ED symptoms. But despite advertising, supplementing should be done under your doctor’s guidance.

Side effects may include gastrointestinal issues, nausea, and diarrhea. Dizziness and headaches are possible. Some patients should avoid taking NO or its precursors if they have medical conditions like kidney disease, herpes, and cardiovascular issues.

When a heart attack has previously occurred, the risk of having another heart attack increases while taking NO.

Regulations in Canada and abroad are typically lax for male enhancement pills compared with food or pharmaceutical drugs.

Another drawback to herbal supplement is the slow effect. Customers need time-sensitive results, so natural erectile dysfunction cures disappoint.

What’s in Your Erectile Dysfunction Pills?

There are pharmaceutical pills that work quickly. If your focus is libido, or performance, and not size, you might have considered prescription medications.

You’ve probably heard of:

  • Tadalafil (Cialis)
  • Vardenafil
  • Avanafil (Stendra)
  • Sildenafil (Viagra)

To date, these have been prescribed for several reasons, including:

  • Loss of libido (desire for sex)
  • Performance anxieties
  • Low sex drive
  • Premature ejaculation
  • Loss of erection
  • Trouble gaining an erection

These drugs are PDE5 inhibitors that are designed to enhance the effects of nitric oxide in penile tissue. That means a greater surge of blood to the area, fueling stronger erections.

Medications affecting your entire body can also bring side effects or can conflict with other drugs and supplements. That’s why you need an assessment with your doctor before taking them.

Don’t let male enhancement pill websites diagnose you. Your sexual health and related psychological factors are complex.

Thankfully, numerous, personalized treatments are available. You can recharge your sexual performance, increase penis size, and confidence, beginning with a private consultation.

Find Out What’s Causing Your ED

There can be several underlying causes of erectile dysfunction. Low testosterone is one factor that we easily test for and treat. Improving your sex life and overall vitality might begin with testosterone replacement, which is monitored by our physicians.

Bioavailable testosterone helps increase nitric oxide and decrease PDE5, which is critical for strong erections.

Testosterone alone might not improve health-related physical or psychological factors. And if your levels are low, it might make you feel friskier, but it won’t increase penis size.

When you want combined performance and physical enhancement, we recommend adding Big Shot™ to your treatment plan.

The Enhancement You Want Isn’t Found in a Pill

Drug-free, Big Shot™ is as safe as other popular cosmetic injectables. And just as instantly satisfying.

A proprietary platelet-rich gel matrix treatment goes straight into penile tissue, making controlled, customized changes to penis length and girth.

Instead of gambling on supplement results, imagine watching your male enhancement take shape before your eyes, exactly how you want!

How Does Big Shot™ Work?

There is zero evidence for penis size enhancement in a pill, but there are thousands of Toronto men already celebrating their larger package, thanks to Big Shot™.

Seeing is believing, and you’re invited to see measurable results achieved with Big Shot™ during your consultation.

Our doctors are knowledgeable in men’s health, and they understand the sensitivity of male enhancement discussions. Count on a respectful, honest, and informative conversation to help you understand the process and impressive benefits of Big Shot™.

Once you begin, treatment will be faster and more comfortable than you think!

In a private suite, patients receive skin-numbing pre-treatment care, then watch as the Big Shot™ formula is administered painlessly throughout penile tissue layers for volume and improved shape.

You’ll be able to leave and return to your routine right away with easy aftercare and no downtime.

We don’t need to tell you that body image can directly affect your sexual performance. Big Shot™ is in high demand, because it does what nothing else can for male enhancement.

Best Natural Male Enhancement Hacks

Do you keep your body natty? You’ll be happy to know that some male enhancement pill ingredients are also in the foods you eat. They are precursors for nitric oxide creation, improved circulation, and optimal testosterone levels.

A healthy sex drive starts with a healthy body.

The compounds L-arginine and L-citrulline are found in high-protein foods like red meat,

dairy, legumes, etc. Leafy greens and beets are also rich in nitrates and are linked to increased nitric oxide in the body.

Maintaining an ideal body weight and blood pressure can also improve sexual performance, along with overall cardiovascular health.

While you learn about our male enhancement treatments, you can begin right now getting more sleep, more natural sunlight, practicing stress reduction, and tailoring your diet to encourage a robust sex drive and vitality!

Then, book your consultation to learn how Big Shot™ and drug-free ED treatment can change your life.

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Sovereign Male

(647) 340-0061

59 Hayden Street, Suite 705 Toronto, ON M4Y 0E7